Saturday, June 16, 2012

Fathers Day Blog

In lieu of wasting money on a cheesy Hallmark Card I am sharing my thoughts about my Dad in this space on Fathers Day. I am going to try to avoid as many cliches as possible while still providing my Father the bonus gift of critiquing my work. My Father is an interesting guy and our relationship is clearly unique. Our banter routine and constant battles to verbally one up each other would mortify most but our special to us. I love how we can get more out of ten minutes of conversation getting me in and out of the shower then most people can in hours.

While everyone is bias towards their parents I can tell you honestly that no one works harder then my Father. People can say they work as hard or are forced to perform in higher pressure situations but no one can honestly say they work harder. This is a man who still works two jobs deep into his 50's while carrying the added responsibility of being my care giver. While this takes a physical and emotional toll which can lead to some occasional venting and a higher then we would like frown to smile ratio, he maintains a quiet dignity in everything he does and takes tremendous pride in his work. He might not always get dealt the best cards but he has always been able to roll with the punches and deal with everything you could possibly throw at a person.

I know that there funnier people then my Father, as hard as it might be for him to believe there are smarter people than my Father, some days I know there are happier people then my Father but  there is no one on Earth that could do a better job as a Father. He would do anything for his kids even the things he doesn't agree with that come at a very personal cost. His heart is his greatest wealth and being a Father has always been what he does best and what I think he was put on Earth to do. This family can be totally crazy and no two people could have handled us other than my Mom and my Dad. I know that he knows that he's loved but today I want to let him know that its an honor to be his son and that he makes me proud every day. I know he'll walk around with a big head now but he deserves it today and I love him anyway. Love you Dad! Happy Fathers Day

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