Friday, June 1, 2012

30 blogs in 30 days June 1

After a month of floundering professionally and writer's block I'm back committed to this blog on a full time basis. The goal is to post something everyday this month so I'm calling it "30 blogs in 30 days". Not all of them will be good but I will keep posting updates to Facebook and Twitter so you can skim through whatever you want to see and skip what you don't. I know people have a hard time navigating the site as far as figuring out how to leave comments and signup as a follower but we're going to set a very lofty goal of averaging 30 page views over the course of the month.

 June is here and I am just back from another trip to New York City. It was a long day of travel yesterday as I was planning on leaving on the 2:00 train, but they refused to sell me a ticket when I got to the window at 1:47. This forced me to take an Accela for the first time. It was fine enough ride and 45 minutes faster but in no way was worth the $147.50 which is double the rate I pay for the regular train. I usually get off in Providence but was told I have to start coming all the way back to Worcester to get a ride home. They forced me to go the full way to Boston wait another hour to take the commuter rail to Worcester which added another three hours to my travel time. My take away from all of this is that the Accela is never going to be worth the price and they should add nonstop commuter rails. Turning a 50 minute trip into an hour and forty five minute trip by stopping ten times is something I would pay double the rate to avoid.

As for the trip itself, it was nice to finally have great weather to walk around the city in. I spent Tuesday evening walking through Central Park where I somehow failed to find a "Foster the People" concert that was supposed to be going on. There were tons of softball and kick ball games going on which made me laugh for some reason. I then headed over to the pier on 48th to see "Fleet Week" and all the submarines and aircraft carriers that were anchored there. A pending thunderstorm forced us into a bar and after traveling all day I failed to make out past 11pm.

Whenever I go into the city I take in a matinee on Broadway. This month's selection was "Ghost" which I was very skeptical could be turned into an interesting play. I knew things were going to be good when the lack of handicapped tickets forced them to upgrade as to the third row. This was good for many reasons including the fact that the actress playing the Demi Moore role from the movie was a very attractive blonde and had several love scenes to perform in. The star of the show was the actress who pulled the Whoopi Goldberg part who was very over the top and stole the show with several one liners. There were several different visual effects used to go back and forth between the present and ghost world which are not going to fit everyone's taste, but I enjoyed it. I'd rank it a close 3rd out of the four plays I've seen this year just behind Evita and behind "Once". Changing even one thing about "Once" the film is a sin but I love the songs so much I can't rank it anything other then #1.

My brother and I were meeting our cousin Jimmy in the city Wednesday night and he was none to pleased when I came pick from seeing the play and dinner with Colleen five drinks deep. Jimmy who we had just seen for the first time in a long while down the Cape over the weekend was highly amused by my drunken state and bickering with my brother. We went to a Mexican Bar where I stupidly had two margaritas that featured upside down Coronas to boot. The night gets really blurry here as we went to another location and watched the Celtics but I don't remember the game or getting home won't be getting that level of drunk for a long time.

I didn't want to leave early in the morning so when my brother left for work Colleen came over and took me to the 9/11 Memorial which featured several subway trips and my first subway card purchase. It was a stunning sight on beautiful day and well worth the hour trip across the city to see it.

Now I sit here writing on a boring Friday afternoon in Worcester already thinking up my next adventure. I'm becoming crazy impulsive which is probably why I'm rambled on for so long in this space. I promise the 29 others won't be so long! Check back tomorrow for Day 2 of "30 blogs in 30 days".


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